Senior Lecturer & Additional Director_ IQAC-UOB
Designation: Senior Lecturer & Additional Director_ IQAC-UOB
Qualification: Currently Staying in Germany, MA in Sociology, South Asian University, New Delhi- India; BSS in Sociology, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Science and Technology University, Gopalganj.
Mobile: 01817316480
E-mail: arman.sorif@uob.edu.bd & armanshorif666@gmail.com
South Asian University Silver Jubilee Scholarship _ Funded by Ministry of External Affairs, India
- Lecturer, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Green University of Bangladesh
- Field Assistant Enumerator, Transparency International Bangladesh (TIB)
Sadia. H, Jibon. M.A.S, & Parvez. S. 2022. Effects of Media Advertisement Representation of Womens’ Body Image on Violence against Women in Bangladesh. International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social sciences. https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijriss/Digital-Library/volume-6-issue-6/165-172.pdf
- Jibon. M.A.S & Muzahid. Abdullaha. 2024. Living in a World of Endless Precarity: Examining the Lived Experiences of the Ship-breaking Workers in Chittagong, Bangladesh ( Accepted). British Sociological Association Annual Conference 2024: Crisis, Continuity and Change.
- Jibon. M.A.S. 2021. Transgender People in Bangladesh: Exploring their Vulnerabilities and Devising Means for their Inclusion in Education, International conference on innovation and transformation for development ITD-2021, Green University of Bangladesh.
- Jibon. M.A.S. 2020. Steps and Its Implication Against Religious Violence: A Case Study of Ramu Violence in Bangladesh. International conference on ‘Perspectives on Peace and Sustainable Development in a World of Conflict, University of Delhi- India.
- Jibon. M.A.S. 2020. Media Advertisement Representation of Women’s Body Image and its Impacts of Society on Violence Against Women in Bangladesh. Conference on “Bangladesh in the 21st Century.” CenRaPS Journal of Social Sciences, Istanbul- Turkey.
- Jibon. M.A.S. 2020. Impact of Riverbank Erosion on Education: A Sociological Analysis in Riverine Areas of Lakshmipur District in Bangladesh. el ruha 7th International Conference on Social Sciences. American University of Libya.
- Twelve Days long Certificate Training on Enhancing the Capacity of IQAC, organized by Bangladesh Accreditation Council.
- Certificate Training on Teaching and Learning (CETL), organized by the Center for Teaching and Learning, Green University of Bangladesh.
- Training on Digital Marketing, organized by George Washington University, USA, under the LICT project
- SAU-SAGE Author workshop, Organized by Sage Publication India