UoB’s Inter-Departmental Cricket Tournament 2024 Concludes
The Sports Committee of University of Brahmanbaria organized an interdepartmental cricket
tournament participated in by all departments. The English Department beat CSE and EEE,
while Business Administration defeated Sociology in the semi-final playoffs held on May 20,
2024, at the local Niaz Stadium, and both winning teams reserved their berth for the final.
Business Administration Department and English faced off each other in the final at the same
venue on May 21, 2024. In the final playoff, English emerged as the champion, convincingly
beating Business Administration.
The final match was a nail-biting spectacle filled with excitement and suspense. Both teams
showcased their cricketing prowess, captivating the cheering spectators until the very end. In a
neck-and-neck battle, the English team, with their undeniable superiority, emerged as the victors,
securing the championship trophy. The Business Administration Department, with their
commendable performance, earned the title of runners-up.
Earlier, the Honorable Vice-Chancellor Prof Dr Syed Shamsuddin Ahmed inaugurated the final
match. Deans of Faculties, department heads, faculty members and a sizeable number of students
witnessed the match. The university’s sports committee deserves credit for successfully hosting
the tournament.
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